Thursday, August 27, 2009

They Seek Him Here, They Seek Him There...

I just finished reading "The Scarlet Pimpernel" by Baroness Emmuska Orczy last night. In a previous blog, I wrote that I had read this book before, and I found it "dreadfully dull." I have since changed my mind, upon reading it for the second time, several years later.

I first saw the movie, ages ago while visiting some of my relatives one evening. Originally, it was a "made for T.V. movie," but they had it on VHS. Shortly after seeing the movie at their house, I bought my own copy of the movie, and read the book. I was disappointed in the book at that time. I guess I must have expected the book to be more like the movie.

The movie is quite humorous, and focuses more on the romance. The book has some subtle humor (which I did not even notice before), and focuses more on the mystery. Seeing the movie first, took all the mystery out of the book, taking away from the suspense.

The first time I read the book, this was the cover of the copy I borrowed. Two men fighting with swords, with a lady in the background. There are no sword fights whatsoever in the book. So, this cover baffles me. It is quite hilarious, really.

The movie has a sword fight scene. The book does not. Perhaps the illustrator never read the book. I guess that is one reason not to judge a book by it's cover-- it can be misleading.

Anyway, I realized after reading the book, a second time, without watching the movie first to refresh my memory of it, I really enjoyed it. I still love the movie too. I would suggest reading the book first, because it is more suspenseful that way. Just don't expect the movie to play out the same, or most of the characters to even play the same roles, really. The concept is still there, but the storyline is quite different.

As of now, I would recommend both of the book as well as the movie. I still love the movie. The actor, Anthony Andrews is superb is his role. I cannot think of anyone better to play the part. He is very humorous, and really brings the character to life. Jane Seymore is lovely.

I was worried that maybe the book this time would have ruined the movie, but it didn't. I anxiously woke up this morning to see how the two compare. As much as I remember the movie, I forgot enough of it to enjoy it again. There are other movies of "The Scarlet Pimpernel," but I have not seen them. Perhaps one day I will.

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My bookshelf: Books I have read

To Kill a Mockingbird
The Catcher in the Rye
The Great Gatsby
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Animal Farm
Little Women
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Da Vinci Code
The Kite Runner
Eena the Return of a Queen
Sarah's Key
A Northern Light
Simple Abundance:  A Daybook of Comfort and Joy
Short Stories
The Help
Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return
Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
Book of a Thousand Days

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