Saturday, July 25, 2009

Artfair 2009 - An Amazing Day!

Familiar by Justine Hillgrove

I have started making it one of my yearly traditions to go to the Bellevue Art Museum's "ArtsFair" during the month of July. This year, I was not planning on buying anything, except maybe a Nutella crepe, that I tried last year from one of the food vendors. I wound up buying 3 books (2 from Barnes & Noble near by), and 2 art prints, a Nutella crepe, a peach-mango smoothie, and a BBQ chicken sandwich. The art was great, the music was enjoyable, the food was excellent.

It seems like the exhibition grows bigger and bigger every year! I was really impressed by the artwork this year. I think it was a better show than the last one, and there were some pretty cool things at the last one, too. Some of the same exhibitors were there from last year. Some of the new ones, brought fresh ideas and inspiration.

Metal art sculpture seems to be the most popular of the styles this year. One of my favorite ones had some metal sculptured dresses on hangers and some cool metal-sculpted guitars in a style that reminded me of Cubism:

Kari Von Wening - Jan Bush "Dusty Chaps"

Here are a couple of other fun/interesting artist's work I saw this year: the original art of Jarrod Eastman

Toys by Larry Stephenson

The artwork is displayed underneath the parking garage, out on the sidewalks and streets around the Bellevue Square Mall. The Bellevue Art Museum is free to the public for the days of the event. Even inside, they had a interesting display of origami designs.

I was intrigued by the work Bruce Metcalf inside the museum. They allowed the artist to draw huge chalk and maybe charcoal? figures on the wall to help with display of his little metal creations, which were quirky and fun:

"Two Doves In a Private Garden" by Bruce Metcalf

The one artist’s work, I could not resist this year, was done by Justin Hillgrove. He has some really funny, interesting tributes and characters. I really liked his “Alice In Wonderland” series. I could only afford one print and a postcard print of a cat with bat wings (as shown on top).

Down the Rabbit Hole by Justin Hillgrove

It was definitely one of the hottest days we have had in the Seattle area so far this year (or seemed to be). Wow. The smoothie I drank really helped keep the heat down. I also checked around the mall, the Museum, and Barnes & Noble (of course) to cool down and shop. I spent more than I really should have, but all and all, it was an excellent day!


  1. sounds like a fun day...

    it really wasn't THAT hot over here (in Ballard). The weather was really odd, though. The air was stagnant.

  2. Yeah, it may have been hotter in Bellevue, or it may have not, I never looked at the temperature. It was fine in the morning, was terrible in the afternoon (perhaps because I spent the majority of it outside), then when I finally got home, it was still hot, but cooled slightly and rained! I was happy because I was missing the rain when I woke up yesterday morning (though I am glad it was not raining at the festival).


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My bookshelf: Books I have read

To Kill a Mockingbird
The Catcher in the Rye
The Great Gatsby
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Animal Farm
Little Women
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Da Vinci Code
The Kite Runner
Eena the Return of a Queen
Sarah's Key
A Northern Light
Simple Abundance:  A Daybook of Comfort and Joy
Short Stories
The Help
Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return
Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
Book of a Thousand Days

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