Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A Few of My Favorite Things...

First of all, I want to congratulate my favorite band of all time, Daryl Hall & John Oates, for finally making it into The Hall of Fame!  It was long overdue and well-deserved.  I have been a fan of the band for the majority of my life now, and am glad both are still continuing to evolve their talents in making great music.

Next, I want to wish my favorite (and only) little niece a Happy Birthday this month, she is turning 1 tomorrow (May 7th)!  I had the pleasure of meeting her in person last month. It was her first visit to the United States!  She is quite the character, with a wide range of faces.  When first meeting people, she usually gives them a scowling stare-down.  Once she feels more at ease, she starts babbling.  Usually it's ma-ma-ma.  She also makes a cute little noise, similar to a ambulance siren while bobbing her head up and down, she usually smiles after that.  She is highly curious.  She is more entertained by two pieces of paper over her toys.  She makes a beeline to try and grab anything that is computer related, including keyboards, Kindles, and cell phones.  When meeting some sweet cats for the first time, she initially seemed timid.  Later, she started crawling after them to pet (or more like tug) their fur.  She often rolls her arms when she first sees animals.  Luckily for the pets, she can only crawl after them.  She is bound to be up and running soon, however, as she constantly pulls herself up to stand.  We had an early birthday party for my niece, and I gave her the sunglasses you see in the photo above.  Doesn't she sort of look like a celebrity, not wanting anyone to take photos of her?

Along with her baby, my sister took her cat back to Japan with her.  I am sure the cat is happy, because it is finally away from our parent's cat.  Our parent's cat seems nice enough, but for some reason he invades the other cat's space, making her terribly grumpy.  You don't usually want to touch my sister's cat when she is in that mood.  When she is happy, she is nice and friendly.  I am really going to miss her being in the States.

How I Met Your Mother Fan

One of my favorite shows ended this year, and I am fine with it.  I have recently been re-watching the series and appreciate some of the episodes more than when they first aired.  The dad, tells several stories, often not appropriate, to his kids on the relationship he and his group of friends share with with one another. Sometimes, there are twists and turns in the story-line. Ted, is ultimately looking for "the one" who will be the kids mother.

I thought I watched every episode from the very beginning, but I noticed there was one Christmas episode I missed (the one with Lily standing on the bed, with a bat wrapped in tinsel).  There were some episodes I forgot, but really liked, once I remembered, such as the one with the blind date.  There were also favorite moments that I remembered and enjoyed again, like the two minute date, and the time when Ted let Robin throw a drink in his face to impress her friend.  There are other moments as well, but those could be spoilers, so I will just leave it at that.

Personally, I loved the ending of the entire series.  I am glad the writers stuck to their original idea on how it should end.  I know many fans were upset, but one of the things I liked about the show is how many fake-outs it had throughout the series, making it basically saying "anything can happen."  I thought the cast was exceptional as well, including the addition of "the Mother."  The series had some of my favorite guest stars throughout the years, Danica McKeller (from my absolute favorite show ever, "The Wonder Years"), Mandy Moore (who is one of my favorite female vocalists/actresses), and Rachel Bilson (who was in another series I loved, called "The O.C.").

The series had a good run of 9 years, and even though it kept me entertained over the years, I was ready for it to end.  I think the cast was, too.  I will miss the cast, they really seemed to work well together.

One thing that is keeping me entertained now, is one of the books I am reading.  I recently started one of my favorite cartoonists complete collection.  I haven't officially made a review on this book yet, since I am not done with it, but this is what I think so far:

The Complete Peanuts, Vol. 1: 1950-1952The Complete Peanuts, Vol. 1: 1950-1952 by Charles M. Schulz
I am really enjoying this book so far. It starts from the very beginning of the comic strip of the Peanuts gang.  I am in awe how well done this strip has always been.  I have never read Schulz's work this far back, but I am enjoying seeing how much the strip and characters have changed over the years.  Charlie Brown's mom actually speaks words in some of the early strips!  You don't see her, but you "hear" her voice!  The birds that Snoopy chases look closer to what normal birds look like.  Snoopy has not met Woodstock yet.  I just read the panel where Schroeder is introduced, and he is a baby!  As I read it, I can definitely see the influence Schulz had on Bill Watterson (who drew the famous Calvin & Hobbes strip).  There are several books for this particular collection, and each one has a real vibrant color, often with a large face of one character.  The covers are very eye-catching.  I am pretty certain my overall rating of this book will be 5 stars.

View all my reviews

Friday, May 2, 2014

My Silver Lining Day

It has been incredibly, blindingly sunny and record-breaking hot lately the past few days in the great Northwest, and so this morning I did not take a coat  work.

I just finally managed to convince my boss that my route car needs the air conditioning fixed.  Lately, it has been like driving all day in an oversized Easy Bake Oven on-wheels.  I really should not be driving with the windows down, due to a severe allergy to bees, either.  A wasp landed on the outside of my windshield yesterday, so I baked to a nice medium-rare to well-done stage, after rolling all the windows up, waiting to get to an area less populated by insects.

After taking my car into the shop, it was discovered that the car has a leak.  So, I wound up borrowing someone else's route car for the day.  My morning run went well.  So well, that I offered to help cover another person's route in addition to my own, due to being a little short on drivers today.

My boss gave me a special delivery that I just barely had time to get to, if I left right away.  Feeling positive I could make all my stops, I rushed out the door to make my deliveries.  As I headed down the interstate, I noticed the car steering wheel shook a little.  I thought, "No big deal, that happened yesterday, and I told my boss about it, and he told me 'the car is old.'"  So, I drove on.

The route car started making a loud noise.

"Stupid car...," I grudgingly thought, "it's old, I am sure it is fine.  I am in a hurry.  I will check it when I get to my next stop."

I took the exit to the next interstate highway.  The noise continued.  I wanted to keep going, but I had a strong feeling that I should pull over just in case.  I quickly made my decision when I looked over to notice an unusually wide shoulder in the area I just happened to be in.  I got out, and sure enough the back tire had gone flat (later to be discovered that it had a medium-sized nail lodged into it).

I called my boss, let him know that the delivery would not make it on time, and then called for road-side assistance that we just got recently.  So recent, that my boss asked me this morning if I had the number for them.

Two very nice young men from the insurance company came and changed my tire to the spare, and I was on my way.

The special delivery wound up a hour late, but fortunately, they understood.

I was able to make all the stops on the route I helped with, but only able to make one of the three stops I had on mine.  I wound up calling the two places instead.  Everything was okay.

As I was leaving work, it started to rain.  "Great... the day I didn't bring a coat!"  I mused.  That is when I remembered I stuck an umbrella (I never usually carry) in my purse, and proceeded to walk to my car (not parked too far away for once).

I am grateful how everything that tried to ruin my day, turned out for the best.  Even if the sun is shining, sometimes it is best to take a jacket.  Good days can take a turn for the worse, but if you are prepared, your challenges may have a silver lining.


My bookshelf: Books I have read

To Kill a Mockingbird
The Catcher in the Rye
The Great Gatsby
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Animal Farm
Little Women
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Da Vinci Code
The Kite Runner
Eena the Return of a Queen
Sarah's Key
A Northern Light
Simple Abundance:  A Daybook of Comfort and Joy
Short Stories
The Help
Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return
Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
Book of a Thousand Days

Jackie's favorite books »

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