Jason's mask and machete from "Friday the 13th"
Entrance to the horror exhibit at the EMP, I think it is a really cool design.
While I was looking online, I noticed that the EMP also had Science Fiction and Fantasy movie props! There would be a Dalek from Doctor Who there, a cool dragon, costumes from "The Princess Bride," and many other interesting and awesome things! We bought our tickets that night, and went on Saturday.
Above: Costumes worn by the cast of "The Princess Bride"
Below: The sword of Indigo Montoya, and the sword of the Six-Fingered Man
and his glove (The Princess Bride). I am not certain what movie the bottom sword is from.
Susan's bow and arrow's from "The Chronicles of Narnia"
Part of the Nirvana exhibit at EMP.
We looked at another area of the EMP and saw Eddie Van Helen's guitar! I have always thought his guitar was really cool looking, so it was fun to see in real life.
Eddie Van Halen's electric guitar.
Next we went to the Jimmy Hendrix exhibit. I am almost certain they changed that a little since I have been there. I was looking at some of his clothes they had on display, and was amazed at the quality of fabric they were made out of. I would not have guessed from photos I have seen of him how nice the fabric was, but it was quite luxurious looking. I really like the outfit currently on display with the vertical striped jacket. It is very nice.
Jimmy Hendrix's cool style.
The Sci-Fi exhibit was our next stop. We walked through some fluorescent lights that looked as if we were traveling through space! The first things we saw there were from the classic T.V. version of "Star Trek." There was red dress uniform, as well as a yellow pants uniform, Captain Kirk's chair, with a bunch of furry little round things (called "Tribbles") surrounded below it. I had no idea what they were supposed to be, but after some research it sounds like they are some sort of furry and purry alien thing, so I would probably like them.
Ex-ter-min-nate!!! Beware - it's a Dalek from "Doctor Who!"
Yoda's cane and necklace, it is!
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No... it's Superman's outfit!
The first room had a "Xena, Warrior Princess" costume, also a costume from "Snow White and the Huntsman," (that Kristin Stewart wore in the prison scenes), looking around the room there were several illustrations of from various movies, shows and books. The second room had the most amazing dragon. It appeared to be sleeping, but when you moved it's tail a little, he sort of opened his eyes wider, to wake up a little. He was one of my favorite things. There were also some costumes and props from the Princess Bride, Narnia, Labyrinth, as well as many other exciting items.
The prison dress from "Snow White and the Huntsman."
David Bowie wore this in "Labyrinth."
This is a very cool dragon (though the photo is lousy, sorry), while it tries to "sleep," it's eyes are more
shut and red,then you go pet his tail, and he starts to wake up!
The last exhibit we walked into was the section that my friend wanted to see most. The Horror Exhibit. When we first walked in we saw a white shirt with blood stains on it with a red tie. We were both kind of hoping for some reason it was a shirt from the popular TV series, "Dexter," but it was not. We saw the ax from "The Shining," Jason's mask and machete from "Friday the 13th," one of the actual masks from "Scream," and a bunch of other things that I did not exactly know the movies, but I think some I recognized from previews from TV. My favorite thing at that exhibit was a costume worn by a dancing zombie in Micheal Jackson's "Thriller" music video! Since it was not the costume that Micheal wore himself, I had to re-watch the video to see which zombie it was from the video. I forgot how awesome that music video was!
Worn by a dancing zombie in Micheal Jackson's "Thriller" music video.
After seeing the amazing exhibits at the EMP, we went to this place called "Pie" in the Seattle Center Food Court and had, well, pie. I first had the Chicken Pot Pie, which was delicious. I had trouble deciding on a dessert pie. I originally was going to order the Strawberry-Rhubarb pie, but I had a strawberry-rhubarb thing recently, so I ordered the Almond Cream pie. I was expecting the filling to be fluffy and light from the looks of it, but it was thick and rich. It was not exactly what I was expecting in taste or texture. My friend let me try some of hers (she did order the Strawberry-Rhubarb pie), it was very tasty. I kind of wish I had that, instead.
(Pie was eaten too fast for photo to be taken. Photo person was very hungry.)
We left Seattle, then I hung out with my friend at her apartment and played video games and watched "Frankenweenie" which I saw last year, and really enjoyed. It was a perfect ending to our awesome day.
A cool poster to a movie I have never heard of.
For more information about the exhibits and the EMP, visit http://www.empmuseum.org.
"Can't Look Away, the Lure of Horror Film" only runs till the end of the month, October 31st, so if you want to go, go now!