Sunday, September 22, 2013

Heart Attack on a Stick and Other Good Things at the Fair - Week 2!

So I went back to the (Puyallup) Washington State Fair yesterday, since I scored two free tickets at work.  I remembered my camera, but accidentally left the SD card at home, so most the photos on this post are taken with an iPod.

I arrived with my friend, starving.  We first got a delicious hot scone with jam, which now may be my most favorite thing at the Fair.  So good!.

Right after that, I bought myself one of those foot-long corn dogs my coworker-friend had told me about, and.... wow.  It was a challenge to eat.  Not only because I had a scone, just before, but the weight of the corn dog made it so it had to be eaten sideways!  When I got full, I was going to carry it around for awhile, but it was too awkward to handle in a crowd.  So, sadly, after finishing a little over half of the mammoth-sized corn dog, I threw it away.  It was tasty, though.  I am certain that it will be the last foot-long corn dog I ever eat.  I think if I had not had the scone, I could have finished it, in one sitting, but it is just way too much heart attack on a stick for me.  So, if I feel the need to eat a corn dog again, it will be a normal or mini size.

The weather was supposed to be bad - rain and possible thunderstorms.  It ended up nice enough to not wear a jacket, with only gray clouds looming overhead once in awhile.

We looked at some more exhibits this time, and some impressive collections.

I looked at some more animals.

My friend encouraged me to play some games with her.  She won something and gave it to me (because she just wanted to play the game).  I won something myself, throwing darts at balloons.  I have always been good at that game, not really sure why some people have a hard time with it.

 We also went in the commercial building again.  It wasn't too bad.  I convinced my friend we should do that last.  I bought some Strawberry Popcorn by Killian Corn.  It is incredibly good!

I still did not get to see everything I wanted to see, but I feel a little more satisfied.  The scones are definitely worth it, and the lines get very long.  We were lucky to have a short line to stand in.

We were given a "lucky" marble.

Towards the end, it was about to rain, so my friend wanted to leave.  I kind of wanted to see some other things, but I was starting to get tired, and her feet were tired, so we left.  The rain started to sprinkle down a little at that point, so I guess it was the perfect time to go home.  Overall, it was a pretty good experience.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Do the Puyall--(oops,um) Washington State Fair!

I missed the Salmon Bake this year to see large lit-up salmon lanterns at the Fair.

For years I have heard the commercials on the T.V. and radio say, "Do the Puyallup!"  I had planned to go three years ago, then two years ago.  Finally, this year, I got to go!  Except, it is not called the Puyallup Fair anymore (pronounced Pew-Al-Lupp), it is called The Washington State Fair.  I guess I understand that.  So many people pronounce the name wrong that are not familiar with the town.  It is just the slogan was so catchy, it is sad to see it go.

After buying the tickets, I found out I would be missing the Annual Salmon Bake for our church.  I always look forward to that, but since I already made a commitment with my friend, and the weather seemed decent enough, I decided I would go to the fair instead.

I wound up driving part way to my friend's house before I realized I had left the tickets at my place.  I then waited a whole hour in a two-mile back-up on the highway before I could get turned around.  Thank goodness my mom was in town to bring me the tickets closer by.

Anyway... I have been to fairs before.  I used to go to The Grant County Fair all the time, enter my art in exhibits, win ribbons and things like that.  Once I won a silver plate for some cookies I entered in the Girl Scout section!  That was pretty cool.  The exhibits have gone down considerably in the last few years, which is kind of sad.  The food is very delicious at The Grant County Fair.  My personal favorites are the Spaceburgers by the Lioness's booth.  The hamburgers at the Ephrata Lion's Booth, and the Lion's Ears and ice cream waffle cones with strawberry ice cream at guess where?  The Moses Lake Lion's booth.  There are other groups that have also have awesome food, but the Lion/Lioness booths are the most competitive contenders, in my book.

I guess I got the wrong things at The Washington State Fair.  I bought a slushy, which was good, but the sign said, "$3.84, and they charged me $4.25."  When I asked why, they told me "food tax."  So when I bought a hamburger at another booth, why did they not charge a food tax there?  The hamburger itself was disappointing.  Advertised as "World Famous," it was a huge disappointment compared to most burgers I have had in my lifetime.  Later, I noticed a BBQ place I think I would have liked, and a friend at work mentioned a place that has foot-long corn dogs!  I missed that?  I should have talked to him first!  I did see a place that had huge hamburgers, but I was not hungry enough to pay close to 8-9 dollars just to see if I would like it.  One of my friends on Facebook thought for sure I would have bought an Elephant Ear.  Sadly, no.  I wish I had.  It would have been better than the disappointing burger.

The exhibits we saw were pretty cool, though we did not get to see many of them, and that is one of my favorite things to look at.  I love looking at other people's work, and see how amazingly talented they are.

This was one of my favorite exhibits I got to see at the fair.  It won a nice ribbon, too.

My friend wanted to visit the commercial building.  I am not a big fan of that place.  I go to the fair to look at stuff, not to buy it (unless it is to eat, while visiting the fair).  It took a good hour of our time.  She bought an over-priced curling iron.

We also looked at some animals, which as always, is fun.  I saw baby turkeys for the first time!  They look so cute, sleeping, but the photo I took makes them look dead.  I assure you, they were not.

Baby turkeys sleeping.  Shh... don't wake them up!

A regular-sized Blue Slate Turkey.

We also saw some baby piglets.  The one below looks most like Wilbur from "Charlotte's Web" to me.

Wilbur?  Where is Charlotte?

As well as some pretty dogs.  I wanted to see cats, but I guess they are during the first week of the fair, and a sign was posted, saying, "Wait till next year!"

I bet these dogs are tired after the long day.

The entrance sign to Luminasia.

My favorite part of the fair, which is EXTREMELY popular is Luminasia!  It is a beautiful area covered by several over-sized lanterns, showing icons of Seattle and China.  The exhibit is outside, so you have to wait until it is dark to get the full effect.  It was a little difficult to find the place, too, the fair being so big and crowded, but eventually we made it in.  It was totally worth it.  My photos do not do the place justice.  It also makes it difficult when every time you line up a shot, someone walks in front of you.  I had a wolf lantern in a perfect camera shot, only to find when I got home, someone was taking a photo with a cell-phone and their hand and cell are in that shot.  I had to crop it to make it look nice, but it isn't the full effect I was going for.  Thanks, cell-phone person!  Anyway, it is pretty spectacular to see.  Maybe just go and enjoy it for what it is.  Leave the camera at home.

A beautiful wolf lantern, under an apple tree lantern.

The (Puyallup) Washington State Fair goes until the end of this week, so you still have a chance to see some cool exhibits, eat a foot-long corn dog, see the lantern exhibit, or just go and buy stuff!  I am tempted to go back before it ends.  We shall see.

Breath-taking lanterns, near, and on the water.

Monday, September 2, 2013

A Perfect Day at the Zoo

Today I went to Woodland Park Zoo with my dad.  A friend and I tried to go to the zoo a couple of weeks ago, but all the parking lots and side streets were full.  I mainly went to see the new baby giraffe (also known as a calf) there, but when we arrived, we found out that there were several other animals that had babies there as well - so, that was a pleasant surprise.  The weather was pleasant enough, that many of the animals were active.  Here are a few photos from my trip:

Above:  The baby giraffe, with his mom and his aunt.  Unfortunately, the dad died before he was born.

A lion cub.

 Otters swimming.

A jaguar and her cubs.

A hippo swimming.  I felt like this at the end of the day.


My bookshelf: Books I have read

To Kill a Mockingbird
The Catcher in the Rye
The Great Gatsby
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Animal Farm
Little Women
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Da Vinci Code
The Kite Runner
Eena the Return of a Queen
Sarah's Key
A Northern Light
Simple Abundance:  A Daybook of Comfort and Joy
Short Stories
The Help
Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return
Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
Book of a Thousand Days

Jackie's favorite books »

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