Monday, August 26, 2013

Take Me Out to the Ball Game! A Trip to Safeco Field

Last Saturday I had the opportunity to go to a Mariners Game, due to my friend Marsha's friend backing out on her at the last minute.  I have only been to one Mariners' Game in the past, and that was about the time when Safeco Field first opened in 1999.  I remember being really impressed by the architecture of the building, from an aesthetic sense.  I have been wanting to go back, to see it - but just never have.

The weather was perfect.  The field was a beautiful green, and it felt nice just to be outdoors and sitting down.  Sounders games you don't sit down during the game.  I guess Seahawk games, you don't either.

The most memorable thing about the building from the last time I visited, was the chandelier, made with a collection of glass bats.  I really wanted a chance to see that again.  I also wanted to find what I remember as a chicken-chili hot dog.  I could have sworn they sold them back then.  I did not have one the first time I went, and I kind of regret not having one.  I looked around several vendors, but could not find what I was looking for.  I eventually settled for some garlic fries, which stayed with me well into the next morning.  They were good, though.

I knew before going to the game that our team has not been doing to well this season, so they really did not disappoint me.  We actually scored 1 point!  Which is better than nothing.  One of the more exciting things that happened on the field during the 3rd inning was a bat shattering as Kendry Morales hit the baseball.  A big chunk was just lying there on the ground!  I have never seen that before, so that was pretty awesome.

We played against the Los Angeles Angels, and they had some pretty exciting plays.  I heard they got a home run, which I think happened before we arrived (we were a little late). Something in the seventh inning looked like it was going to be a home run - then did not turn out to be so - I am not really sure what happened there.  Another player jumped and caught a ball side-ways, in mid-air.  That was really cool, too.

Seeing some of the fans on the big screen was probably the most entertaining.  There was this one little kid, I think he may have been 6 or 7?  Dancing up a storm for the camera.  He was such a ham!  There was also a lady there, celebrating her 102nd birthday!  She was not dancing, but she looked happy, and great for her age!

Overall, it was a pleasant evening.  We left a little early, because we knew by the 8th inning, we were not going to win, let alone score.  All the workers, volunteer or otherwise were very friendly before, during and after the game, which added enjoyment to the evening.  I would certainly go back, just for fun - whether we win or lose.  Go Mariners!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Great Gatsby: the Movies, and the Unabridged Audiobook

This book was required reading when I was in High School, and at the time, I just could not get into the book at all.  It bored me.  I could not relate to the characters or understand their situations.  I had my dad read it to me, just to get through it, but even then, my mind would just wander off.

After finishing the book, our class watched the 1974 version of "The Great Gatsby" with Robert Redford in class.  I remember thinking, "Is this the same book?"  I still felt disconnected from the characters, I did not completely understand what was going on, but I sort of understood a little better.

A few months ago, I went to see the 2013 version of "The Great Gatsby."  The movie to me, brought the book more to life, and I wondered how well it followed the book, since to me, it was much more entertaining and interesting, than the book or the earlier movie.  

The new movie really had some great qualities:  lots of color and movement in the beginning, retro versions of current popular songs, making them almost seem futuristic for the time, and I feel that Leonardo DiCaprio really kept true to the feelings of the Gatsby character in the book.

I put several versions of "The Great Gatsby" on hold from the digital library.  While I was waiting, I decided to watch the 1974 version of "The Great Gatsby" again.  As I watched the old movie, I felt the new movie was similar enough, just better.  The older movie did not depict the book as well as the new one did, but it did cover the main points.  There are sounds that let you know that there were parties at the Gatsby home, but they never actually showed one in the 1974 version.  There is one scene that is almost laughable, though.  When Myrtle gets so upset she hits the glass window, cutting her hand, and goes ballistic.  Some things in the older movie really would not work in today’s movies.

I finally got one of the Gatsby books on digital download.  It just happened to be an audio version read by Robertson Dean.  I instantly recognized the story-line, being true to both movies.  The narrator, Robertson Dean, has a very soothing voice.  He does an excellent job in bringing the book to life.  I felt a greater appreciation for the book, partly because the movies helped me understand it, but also because I felt my maturity has helped me understand the characters and recognize some of the symbolism that I was oblivious to before.  I changed my mind about thinking the book was boring; into thinking it is truly a piece of art.

John Green has done an excellent YouTube review of this book, and I have to agree that it is pretty much what I think as well.  I do, however, think Gatsby did love Daisy, even if it was a shallow love.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Little Things

Today, there was a beautiful doe outside the window at work.  Sorry about the poor quality, I was indoors, using my iPod to take the photo, and it did not focus very well.

A few weeks ago, while on a special delivery, I saw another deer and her two little fawns running beside her.  They were a little bigger than cats, with little white spots on their backs!  So cute!  It is too bad I could not get a photo of that, but they were moving fairly quickly and I was driving.

In other news, I guess the rumors are true!  The Twinkie is back.  One of my coworkers found some somewhere.  They seem to have a lighter, fluffier taste, but it seems to be an improvement.  My dad calls them "Chemical Sponge Waste Logs," he won't eat them.  I guess I cannot blame him.  Once in a blue moon cannot hurt, though, can it?                                

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Everyone Should Blow Bubbles Out Their Car Window!

A little over a week ago, I was sitting in a bad traffic jam, saying to myself, "Oh my GOSH!  This traffic is SO BAD!"  When a driver, waiting in the car in front of me, randomly blew a bunch of soap bubbles out of her car window!  It made me smile and laugh!  It lightened my mood in the heavy traffic.

She later waved-danced her hand out her window.  I noticed she had a really pretty and unique manicure, along with a beaded bracelet.

I felt like, "I want to be more like her!"  Carefree and just have fun, despite the traffic jams and other difficulties that pop up into life.  Of course, blowing soap bubbles out of my route car may not be a very professional choice.

A few minutes later, I saw someone on a unicycle cross the street behind me.  Then, another one, ahead in the distance, on a taller one!

Once I left the traffic jam and finally was near my next location, I had to stop at a traffic light.  Some guy started walking normally across the street, then suddenly broke into a crazy skip type-thing, in what I might guess was to make his girlfriend (or whoever she was) laugh (she was waiting across the street for him).

It is little moments like this that make me love my route.  Seeing people out and about, happy and having fun. The scenery is beautiful too.  Here are some other things I have been enjoying lately:

Current favorites on the radio while driving my route:
"Stay" by Rihanna featuring Mikky Ekko
"I Knew You Were Trouble" by Taylor Swift

Current favorite snack on the warm, sunny days:
Vanilla ice-cream wedged between two Graham Crackers, with coconut and semi-sweet chocolate chips.

Current favorite fast food items (when I need a bite on the road):
Pretzel Bacon Cheeseburger - Wendy's
Regular Roast Beef Sandwich (with ketchup) - Arby's
House-Made Chips - Arby's
Salted Caramel Shake - Arby's

Also, I recently tried "Chunky Monkey" from Ben & Jerry's for the first time!  Banana flavored ice cream, with chocolate chips and walnuts.  Normally, I am not a huge banana fan, but this stuff is good!


My bookshelf: Books I have read

To Kill a Mockingbird
The Catcher in the Rye
The Great Gatsby
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Animal Farm
Little Women
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Da Vinci Code
The Kite Runner
Eena the Return of a Queen
Sarah's Key
A Northern Light
Simple Abundance:  A Daybook of Comfort and Joy
Short Stories
The Help
Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return
Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
Book of a Thousand Days

Jackie's favorite books »

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