Thursday, November 22, 2012

My Not-So-Random 100th Post - More Than You Ever Wanted to Know About Me

I knew my 100th post was coming up soon, so I decided to do something special for it.   First of all, I want to thank all of you for reading my blogs!  I am very flattered when I see various countries represented in viewing my posts.  I am also very thankful to my friends who have said some very nice things about my writing.  

While doing some research, I noticed one blogger did 100 facts you may not know about her for her 100th blog post.  She claimed it was a thing, but I only found her blog on 100 things.  I have to say, it was pretty challenging to come up with so much stuff I was willing to share about myself, but here it is.  I hope you enjoy!

1.  My blogger name was inspired from a favorite song of mine, called "Drops of Jupiter," by the band Train.  Part of the lyrics say, "I'm afraid that she might think of me as 'a plain ol' Jane...'"  I decided to get rid of the "ol'" part.

2.  My logo is actually a sticker off of a tomato from the grocery store.

3.  The black and white photo on my blog with the apple is a shadow of my profile that I took myself.

4.  When I started this blog I titled it "Fill a Blank Page."  I decided later I hated that title, so I changed it to "random blogs and postings."

5.  I named it "random blogs and postings" because I did not want to be held to a high standard of daily blogging or weekly blogging. 

6.  I also like to be spontaneous.  I want to blog what I want, when I want.  I am like Jack FM radio, they play what they want.

7.  I used to read many other blogs, now I tend to watch vlogs more.

8.   My favorite vlogger (besides my own sister) is Charlie McDonnell (charlieissocoollike).  He is very creative and funny, and seems to be a genuinely kind person.

9.  My favorite band of all time is Daryl Hall & John Oates.  I love other bands too, but this band has stood the test of time for me.

10.  After becoming a huge fan, I found out that Daryl Hall shares the same birthday as I do (October 11).

11.   By the time I graduated High School, I had collected every album they ever made, including special release albums and Daryl's first solo album.  I would save up my money, and buy them for cheap at used record stores.

12.  They both have released more albums since, some which I do not own, but would like to eventually.

13.  I have always been afraid of heights and ladders.  Especially after falling off a ladder when I was young.

14.  When I was little and taking swimming lessons, my parents promised me they would buy me 10 Big Macs if I jumped off the high dive. 

15.  That was enough to convince me.

16.   I thought I was going to get 10 Big Macs all at once. 

17.  When we went to McDonald's shortly after, I finished one Big Mac, and said, "Okay, I am ready for more!" 

18.  They were shocked, explained that that was not what they meant, but that day, I got to eat 2 Big Macs!

19.  I never ate more than one Big Mac in a day after that.

20.  I still like Big Macs, but I very rarely have one anymore.

21.  Standing on the glass balcony of the Sears (Willis) Tower did not really scare me, though I was apprehensive at first.

22.  I have been cooking since I was ten years old.

23.  Around that time, my parents had invited some guests over and I was so excited to have them try some custard I was making for the first time.  They never got to try it, because I forgot to turn on the oven!

24.  I used to be able to eat a ton of food without gaining a pound.  People used to wonder where I put it all.

25.  I eat more wisely now... most of the time.

26.  I have a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Art.

27.  I am still wondering what I am going to be "when I grow up."

28.  I was given my first diary when I was 12.

29.  I had to laugh, because my first entry in it was about food.

30.  My first diary entry ever says, "Today I prepared half of the meal.  I made chocolate topping for ice cream, peas, and apple sauce topping for ham."

31.  I got distracted from writing this blog, because I was reading things I wrote when I was 12.

32.  The diary is set up for daily entries, but I did not always write daily in it.

33.  I did keep a daily journal for at least a year at one time in my life.

34.  I had to stop writing as much because I had no more room to keep all the books I wrote in.

35.  I had to quit my book club, because my work situation changed.

36.  I am not a morning person.

37.  I miss sleeping in.

38.   When I was really little, I was scared of cats.

39.  When I was 5, I got my first cat.

40.  She was an amazing cat.

41.  I loved cats after that.

42.  I would draw little cats at the top of all my papers in grade school.

43.  My desk-mate and I got in trouble in 2nd grade at school one day for drawing an elaborate cat vs. mouse war over the entire desk, in pencil.

44.  The teacher made us wash it off after school.

45.  I wish I had a photo of that desk drawing.

46.  I used to sing to the radio all the time when I lived at home.

47.  I probably drove my parents crazy.

48.  I get pretty self-conscious when singing in front of people.

49.  Every once in awhile I surprise myself though.

50.  In the 6th grade, I was one of the winners of a contest for rewriting some lyrics to "This Land Is Your Land."

51.  The winners had to sing their lyrics at concert in front of all the parents.

52.  Luckily, two other classmates got to sing beside me.

53.  I also won the contest for the artwork to go along with my lyrics.

54.  It flashed on a screen behind us, as we were singing the lyrics at the concert.

55.  My best friend also won the lyrics contest (and maybe the art as well?), so she got to sing in a separate group, during the same song.

56.  I also auditioned for a solo in Jr. High in front of all my classmates.

57.  I received many compliments after trying out.

58.  I was actually relieved when I did not get the part, I would have been too scared to sing a solo at a concert.

59.  After college, I went to a Karaoke Bar with my sister and her husband.

60.  I actually got up and sang two songs!

61.  One of the songs I sang was "Brass In My Pocket" by the Pretenders.  I know that song pretty well, and it is in my range.

62.  I would never sing a Hall and Oates song at a Karaoke Bar.  Daryl's voice range is much better than mine, and the last thing I would want to do is butcher one of their songs.

63.  I only went to a Karaoke Bar once.  Once is enough.

64.  When I was 7, my friend and I went to the playground.  A little girl "read my palm."

65.  She said I was going to die in a car accident.

66.  I was probably the least excited of my classmates to get my driver's license.

67.  I was one of the first in my class to take Driver's Ed, but probably the last in my class to actually obtain a driver's license.

68.  My parents only had a stick shift, which did not help matters.

69.  My grandfather helped teach me how to drive with his automatic.

70.  Years later, I drove for a living.

71.  Then I stopped for awhile.

72.  I am doing a little of that now again.

73.  I actually really like it.

74.  I still won't drive a stick shift.

75.  I used to avoid parallel parking.

76.  Now I have to parallel park almost daily.

77.  I am still not crazy about it.

78.  I am a bit ambidextrous.

79.  I consider myself to be dominantly left-handed.

80.  However I only can use scissors with my right hand.

81.  In 5th grade, I broke my left arm.

82.  I was roller-skating in the house, trying to do a fancy jump.

83.  I taught myself how to write right-handed after that.

84.  I once dropped a class because I found out I had to give a speech.

85.  That, and the first class session showed a movie of an actual cow eye being poked out with a pin, which grossed me out.

86.  To my dismay, the class I replaced it with also had the speech requirement.

87.  The class I wound up speaking in was on Celtic Manuscripts.

88.  Most Celtic Manuscripts are of a religious nature.  I picked one of a non-religious nature. 

89.  It was some Celtic Manuscripts about Aesop's Fables.

90.  I have always enjoyed Aesop's Fables.

91.  The book I had to study for my speech had some fables I had never heard of before.

92..  The manuscripts were really neat.

93.  I designed and painted several sets for a play my first year of college.

94.  They had to take the canvases down to lie on the floor so I could paint them without using ladders.

95.  I sacrificed my whole Spring Break to paint them.

96.  I drew a comic strip for a class at school.

97.  I was surprised to hear that my roommate at the time thought it was about her, and she was upset.

98.  It wasn't about her at all.  It was about someone else I knew.

99.  I had to draw a daily comic strip for another project.

100.  That may have been my biggest challenge.

Wow.  That took much longer than I thought!  If you are still reading this, congratulations!  This is the end of this post!

Monday, November 19, 2012

My First Crock-Pot and Butter Bell Crock

I have been thinking about buying a Crock-Pot for awhile now, since I felt it would save me some time in preparing meals.  So, last month, when I saw this cute little 2.5 quart Owl Crock-Pot for only $14.99, I could not resist.  The owls had me.

It took me awhile before I would use my new appliance, because I have never used a slow-cooker before.  My mom used hers when I was little, every now and then, but I really never had the desire to use one till recently.  Now, it seems there are many recipes that call for a slow cooker.

My Crock-Pot came with a few recipes, but I really wanted to adapt my own recipes, right away, so I decided to "wing-it" and use the booklet recipes as a guideline.  The first thing I tried was a roast.  I seasoned it and seared it on all sides, put it in the crock pot with a half cup of water, and set it on high.  The recipe I was using as a guideline said, "on High 6-8 hours, or until tender."  It was tender after about 3-4 hours.  I also noticed after an hour of cooking, bits of water were spewing from beneath the lid.  That was quickly remedied, once I realized the lid was not quite on perfectly.  The book did say that the Crock-Pot should be 1/2 - 3/4 full.  I thought it was, but maybe it wasn't quite.  I also did not add vegetables, so I am sure that had something to do with my roast cooking more quickly.  It turned out real tasty!  The meat was so tender, it was falling apart!  Good thing I did not cook it for the full 8 hours, it might have ended up as beef soup!  The juice from the meat made a nice gravy for the next day.  (Helpful tip:  Since I was worried about my counter-tops, I put a pizza stone under my Crock-Pot just in case.  I don't think now I really needed it, but if you are using a slow-cooker for the first time, it could not hurt).

Last night I made Chicken Chili.  I had some frozen chicken breasts I wanted to use from my freezer, so I cooked them in my Crock-Pot first, until they were tender enough to be shredded.  After shredding the chicken and removing the excess liquid (used to help cook the chicken), I added all my other chili ingredients and cooked for about 3 more hours.  My Chicken Chili was also a success!  I made a taco salad with some of the leftovers today.  That too, was delicious.

Another nifty kitchen gadget I acquired recently, was a gift from my mom.  We were shopping in a specialty kitchen store and we came across a butter bell crock.  How it works is you put the butter inside on the top, fill the base with 1/3 cup of cold water, then put the top back on.  The butter is suspended upside-down, surrounded by the cold water.  It keeps the butter spreadable and fresh every day!  It is so nice!  I honestly did not think I would get much use from it when I first got it, but I love it!  The only thing I have to remember, is to change the water every couple of days.  My particular one is called the Original Butter Bell Crock by L. Tremain.  It holds a half cup (one stick) of butter.  After doing some reading, I guess not all hold the same amount.  I really have to say though, it is quite cleverly made..  


My bookshelf: Books I have read

To Kill a Mockingbird
The Catcher in the Rye
The Great Gatsby
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Animal Farm
Little Women
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Da Vinci Code
The Kite Runner
Eena the Return of a Queen
Sarah's Key
A Northern Light
Simple Abundance:  A Daybook of Comfort and Joy
Short Stories
The Help
Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return
Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
Book of a Thousand Days

Jackie's favorite books »

Random Blogs & Postings by Jackie S.

Random Blogs & Postings by Jackie S.