Friday, June 29, 2012

Pinterest, Polyvore, Current Hobbies & Whatnot

You might have noticed I have not been writing book reviews on my blog lately. If you are reading my blog currently, you can scroll down to the bottom of the web page and see a selection of some of the books I have already read. Click on one, and it will take you to my Goodreads page. You may have to be a Goodreads member to read my reviews, I don't really remember, but if you are interested in my book reviews, there they are. I am still attending book club, and I usually review those books. I have been waiting on the current book for awhile now, and it looks like there may be only 1 or 2 copies at the library... so.... I don't think we will be really discussing anything at our next book club, unless others are buying it. The food at book club is always good. For awhile we were doing themed food around the books. I sort-of started it, by suggesting after reading Persepolis, that we bring some ethnic dishes. That caught on, and for awhile our food depended on what book we were reading. It was actually quite fun!

2 of the books I am currently reading: 

So, awhile back a friend of mine introduced me to a thing called "Pinterest." Perhaps you have heard of it. It is like a virtual bulletin board, that you can "pin" found recipes, photos, quotes, videos, etc. Sort of like online bookmarks, but with pictures. It can be very therapeutic, but also very time-consuming and addictive, so be warned.

Click here to go to my Pinterest site.

I have learned some very interesting and valuable things through Pinterest -- like using vinegar to get rid of that nasty scum that builds up around the faucet of the sink (and a number of other vinegar-related type things!)…or baking eggs in their shell in the oven instead of boiling them. One of my favorite pins was learning that you can cook regular popcorn in just a ordinary brown paper sandwich bag in the microwave! No other ingredients necessary! I make air-popped popcorn all the time for snacks now.

Air-popped popcorn: click here for info!

I had also been exercising for at least 3-4 months in a row without stopping (I have stopped recently, but plan to get back with the program again soon). I have also learned some tips on how to eat better (not only through Pinterest, but also through a place that taught me portion control, and counted my calories for me). It has been nice.

While I was pinning interesting ideas and beautiful images through Pinterest, I also discovered a site called Polyvore. It is an amazing site where you can take clips of different clothing items from various stores, and assemble them together to see how they would look as an outfit. It is a really great creative outlet for me, I love putting various clothing pieces together, and seeing what I come up with. Some of my creations were inspired by music, movies, or books. Others just were trial and error.

Sort of Like Sloane by jackie-s-eyeslikeacat featuring guess jewelry

I think my Pinterest boards probably show who I am better than this blog does. I have always been a visual person, though I do like to write. However, you can get much more information quickly through a visual image, than sitting and reading some random blog post. I suppose it could be misleading, however. I know I am not going to make all the recipes I have pinned, I know I am not going to have a big, gorgeous mansion with a slide that you can use instead of the staircase beside it, and some of the craft ideas may look fun, but I am not even seriously contemplating on making most (if any) of them.

My current music favorites are some oldies, but goodies... a group called "Firefall," and a duo called "England Dan & John Ford Cooley." I believe both bands started in the 70's era, and went into the 80's a bit. I am currently borrowing each of the groups Greatest Hits albums. I remember hearing Firefall's music on the radio quite awhile ago, but I guess I never really paid attention to the band name. I rediscovered them while streaming music through Pandora. It is nice to hear some of the old tunes again. I like both Rick Roberts and Johnne Sambataro's vocals.

Of course, this morning, I saw and heard the debut of Train's new music video, 50 Ways to Say Goodbye, and I am seriously already addicted to it!

Well, that is all I have to say for today!  Hope you are enjoying your summer.  It looks like I will be heading to a barbecue soon.  So, see ya!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Frog Eye Salad

I went to my book club today and decided to take Frog Eye Salad.  While I was at the store, I called my mom to inquire on some of the ingredients, and she could not find her recipe!  So, after buying a few items that I knew were in the salad, I went home and looked for the recipe she had given me from before.  It looked like I had quickly written it down, and some things were not as clear as they should have been, and I know she had added other ingredients normally.  So I found another recipe online, and did a combination of the two.  This is the two recipes combined.  It turned out great!

Recipe for: Frog Eye Salad

*Note: Best if you let salad sit overnight before adding final ingredients, so plan ahead.

What you need:

1 cup of Acini Di Pepe (Pasta) – it looks like this:

1 Tbs. vegetable oil, plus a dash of salt (for boiling water)

1 large can crushed pineapple (I used a 20 oz. can)

1 large can mandarin oranges (I used a 15 oz. can)

1 cup of sugar

2 Tbs. of flour

1 egg, beaten

1 tsp. lemon juice

1 tsp lemon extract

1 tsp of salt

1 cup mini marshmallows

1 cup shredded coconut (optional)

8 oz. Cool Whip

Maraschino cherries (optional) I spooned out about 17, with just a touch of juice.


• Add 1 cup of Acini Di Pepe to some boiling water with a little salt and 1 Tbs. of vegetable oil. Cook 8-10 minutes.

• Drain and rinse well under cold water.

• Drain juices from pineapple and mandarin oranges into a medium size saucepan.

• In a large bowl, mix drained pasta, pineapple, and mandarin oranges. Set in fridge.

• Mix 1 cup of sugar and 2 Tbs. of flour in a separate bowl. Add to juices in saucepan.

• Stir in 1 beaten egg, 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp lemon extract, and 1 tsp of salt. Cook until thick. Cool to room temperature.

• Stir into bowl with fruit and Acini Di Pepe.

• Set back in fridge, overnight.

• Add 8 ounces of Cool Whip and 1 cup of mini marshmallows.

• May add maraschino cherries.



My bookshelf: Books I have read

To Kill a Mockingbird
The Catcher in the Rye
The Great Gatsby
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Animal Farm
Little Women
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Da Vinci Code
The Kite Runner
Eena the Return of a Queen
Sarah's Key
A Northern Light
Simple Abundance:  A Daybook of Comfort and Joy
Short Stories
The Help
Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return
Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
Book of a Thousand Days

Jackie's favorite books »

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