Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sketching Tigers

Last Saturday, it was warm and sunny (unusual for weather in the middle of February), so I got up and decided I wanted to go sketch the newest tigers at The Cougar Mountain Zoo. Both of them are brothers, nine months old, and while I was there, they were really active and fun. The one named Bagheera, is a total ham. He seemed to be showing off, rolling around so his tummy was exposed, among other things. Bagheera then laid down, posed, and let me sketch him for awhile. After awhile, he decided to take off and do something else.

The other tiger, named Vitez, played with a tire swing. That was really cute. I thought I was getting some video footage of the tiger, while some little kids were making some funny observations. Then I realized that I did not press start on my camera! I did get a little bit of footage of the tiger and the tire swing later, but the talk was not quite as entertaining. Perhaps, I will be able to post some footage later, if I ever get my computer back to running again. We shall see.

After hearing a lecture on the newest of tigers, I went to the new habitat of the two older tigers, Taj and Almos. Both were taking big-kitty naps, so it was a little easier to sketch them. It has been awhile since I have done any live sketching, so I did find it a bit challenging. I took a few minutes to look at the rest of the wildlife at the zoo, all which were pretty lively. It was a good day.


My bookshelf: Books I have read

To Kill a Mockingbird
The Catcher in the Rye
The Great Gatsby
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Animal Farm
Little Women
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Da Vinci Code
The Kite Runner
Eena the Return of a Queen
Sarah's Key
A Northern Light
Simple Abundance:  A Daybook of Comfort and Joy
Short Stories
The Help
Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return
Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
Book of a Thousand Days

Jackie's favorite books »

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