Thursday, March 19, 2009

Gordon Lightfoot

I have been listening to this song quite a bit lately. The lyrics are so beautifully written, and in this performance, the emotions of the song are captured very well.

If You Could Read My Mind - Gordon Lightfoot - 1979

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Broadway Musicals (featuring "The Lion King")

I had the opportunity to see the Broadway Musical of “The Lion King” this weekend. So far, I have seen three Broadway musicals. I saw “Dreamgirls” on Broadway in New York, when I was in Jr. High (though I wanted to see “Cats” instead). I saw “Les Misérables” in Spokane with a church group of mine, and this last one, I saw at the Paramount in Seattle.

When I saw “Dreamgirls” for the first time, I knew nothing about it. I was excited to see a play that was actually playing on Broadway, but I was disappointed that the person in charge of our tour group chose “Dreamgirls” over “Cats.” The theater was pretty though. We all dressed up, because in New York, that is what you do. I really liked the dress I wore to it.

The play, as a Jr. High student, didn’t really excite me much. Oh sure, the singing was excellent, but the plot at the time kind of bored me, the costumes seemed like regular-people clothes, and the sets were just backdrops of color. I have been thinking about renting the movie lately though, since I don’t really remember much more than that. I think I might appreciate it more now.

The second play, “Les Misérables” was way more exciting to me. I went with a group of single adults from my church, we dressed a little more casual, but still in skirts in dresses. I remember some people being a little more formal, but I don’t remember anyone being more casual than what we were. The theater building in Spokane was nothing exciting. We sat far away, but that didn’t seem to matter, in fact it was a good spot to sit, because the sets were spectacular! The costumes were great, as they suited the time period, and I love the music from it. One of my friends thinks the music is kind of repetitive, which annoys him, but that didn’t bother me. I thought it was an excellent musical, and I highly recommend it.

So finally, after years of waiting to go see “The Lion King,” I finally decided to get tickets! I was given some money for Christmas, and instead of saving it towards a different car, I decided I wanted this more. I still need to decide what I really want in a car anyway.

The Paramount in Seattle is a very pretty building on the inside, very ornate. My friend and I were in the lobby, up one flight, and decided to take some photos. Immediately, two of the people downstairs shouted, “NO PHOTOS IN THE THEATRE, PUT YOUR CAMERAS AWAY!!!” The lady shouted it twice, even though both of us were putting our cameras away as soon as she said it. I just replied, “Okay!” in a tone that was like, “I’m sorry, I did not know…”

I can understand why no photos would be allowed during the performance or even in the seating area, but I don’t understand why they wouldn’t let people take photos of the beautiful architecture inside. My friend made some comment “you think we were spray-painting the walls!” to me. But I digress….

In Seattle at a play, you can basically wear anything to it, nobody really seems to care. There were some people who dressed up, and some who wore jeans, one girl even wore those trendy ripped jeans. So pretty much anything goes. I wore slacks, a nice blouse, and some pretty earrings to dress my outfit up a little. It was freezing outside, and we decided to look around a bit before heading into the theater.

When we were finally seated, it was pretty far back. Almost the very back. Luckily, we brought our binoculars with us. If you go to “The Lion King” and you sit towards the back, I highly suggest you do this. The costumes are spectacular and very detailed, but it is kind of hard to see the great details when you are that far away. I also suggest not sitting too close, because it is also nice to see everything that is going on on stage. The costumes really are great though, very unique. The musical follows the original Disney movie in some ways, but it changes it enough to make it interesting. Expect to hear some new great songs, and some different arrangements. The young Simba and Nala, I especially liked. The boy who plays young Simba is very talented. The older Simba and Nala are great too. A female plays Rafiki, her character was very humorous, and she has an outstanding voice. It was all just so beautiful.

After the show, there were many positive comments, one little girl (I think she may have been nine), thought it was “the best time ever.” At least I think that is what she said…

All in all, it is a great show. If it comes to a city near you, you should check it out, when you get the chance.


My bookshelf: Books I have read

To Kill a Mockingbird
The Catcher in the Rye
The Great Gatsby
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Animal Farm
Little Women
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Da Vinci Code
The Kite Runner
Eena the Return of a Queen
Sarah's Key
A Northern Light
Simple Abundance:  A Daybook of Comfort and Joy
Short Stories
The Help
Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return
Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
Book of a Thousand Days

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