Thursday, September 18, 2008

Salmon and Small Miracles

Every year, the people in my group from church have their "Annual Salmon Bake." Apparently, it has been a tradition since 1975! Wow, that's a long time! Anyway I have been to three of them.

We meet at someone's house on the lake, and there is always boating, waterskiing, and lots of food! There is the salmon of course (they usually make 3 different kinds), then everyone one else brings a salad or a dessert. It is always delicious.

This year, I kind of decided not to go boating. Then when I got there, I changed my mind. It was so fun, getting out there, looking at the beautiful scenery, laughing at my friends on whatever kind of thing it was that they were riding on behind us -- some kind of huge blow-up thing, like an air mattress with handles. Forgive me, I have no idea what it is called! It looked fun though! Wish I brought my suit!

When we got back, we ended up tying ourselves to another boat. As I went from one boat to the other, we all heard this "clingk!" ..."Oh my gosh...What was that?" Somebody said. As I looked down, I noticed it was all my keys, along with my attached wallet with all my important cards, sinking to the bottom of the lake.

My first instict was to jump right in after them, but I kind of knew that might not be the best idea. The water was supposedly 10-12 feet deep, and I was not sure I could dive that far. Luckily, a member who had just moved into our church, volunteered to dive in after them. Someone provided him with some goggles. The first time he went down to look he did not see anything. The second time (I said a tiny prayer), and he came up with my keys! Such relief! I totally thanked him, since my whole life is linked on those keys: my apartment key, my car keys, my work key fob, my library card, etc, etc. He said the only reason he found them was that a small piece was sticking up through the seaweed.

The wallet part of my keychain is made out of leather, so obviously it got kind of ruined by the water, lol, but as I was pulling out my stuff to lay out and dry, I remembered that not too long ago I took out a bunch of stuff that I did not absolutely need in it. Like my sister's wedding photo and some other kind of neat paper stuff. So, really nothing besides my car insurance card got ruined! (Even the car insurance car is still legible, so it's all good). I just feel so fortunate for having a small miracle of getting back my keys, and having everything that is important, safe.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


I went to Bumbershoot for the first time on Monday. I really wasn't sure what to expect.

I checked out some vendors (one had some chimes shaped into a frog and some fish that were made out of spoons and forks that I thought were pretty cool.);

I sat down in a room that had easels, pencils, and live models and practiced drawing a bit;

I ate some great Cilantro Salmon with rice!

I also checked out a couple of bands playing:

"Paramore," (who sounded good, but I would have liked better if they used the stage a little more, and said "Seattle" a little less - I mean, were they afraid we may forgotten where we were? Or maybe forget where they were themselves?), and "Death Cab for Cutie" I felt performed very well, they were all very animated, and seemed to enjoy what they were doing, but was it just me? or was the sound balance off? The instruments seemed to drown out the voice! Other than that, they sounded great. They mentioned Seattle maybe once or twice (which is fine), they are based out of Seattle, so it isn't likely that they would forget where they were!

They had a decent set of songs. Obviously, by the crowd reaction "I Will Possess Your Heart," was the most popular. In fact, several fans left after that song was performed. I think it was because it was FREEZING all day, or it could have been because they had to be there first thing in the morning, stand in two lines to get a ticket, then wait till the end of the event to go to the show. I don't think it was because they got bored. In the meantime, I took a few photos of my surroundings, as you can see.


My bookshelf: Books I have read

To Kill a Mockingbird
The Catcher in the Rye
The Great Gatsby
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Animal Farm
Little Women
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Da Vinci Code
The Kite Runner
Eena the Return of a Queen
Sarah's Key
A Northern Light
Simple Abundance:  A Daybook of Comfort and Joy
Short Stories
The Help
Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return
Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
Book of a Thousand Days

Jackie's favorite books »

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