Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Because a Big White-Out Tape Would Not Be As Interesting...

Monday I went to Seattle to see this:

For those of you who don't know what this is, it is a over-sized typewriter eraser. I only know this because my grandmother (who won awards for her typing) had one of these. I also saw one at work awhile ago. I am not sure why, as there is not a single type-writer in sight!

Here are a few other shots from the park:

Monday, May 26, 2008

What Lies Beneath the Iron Sea? Beautiful Artwork by Sanna Annukka!

I recently checked out a couple of Cd's from the library. One of them was by Keane called “Under the Iron Sea.” I always liked the front cover of it, but I never have listened to the album until now. I liked the Cd okay, but what was more impressive was the artwork inside.

As I opened the jewel case, the cover turned into this long, beautiful foldout with lots of detail and color!

I was so impressed, I decided to do some research on the artist Sanna Annukka who designed the cover. She did a whole portfolio of things just for Keane that I find pretty neat.

Although I couldn’t find pictures of the whole foldout on the Internet, you can check out her site, along with her other beautiful pieces, here.


Saturday, May 24, 2008

Dear Friends,

Friends who read this:

If you pray, please pray for me. I am going through some things. Some I have shared with others, and some I have not.

If you do not pray, please send some positive thoughts towards my way.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Just Add People

Julian Beever - I like this guy's perspective!

Awhile back my uncle showed me this site with this artist who creates huge chalk drawings on pavement, that when taken at the right angle (and with the addition of real people), they have a 3-Dimensional quality to them. My sister later sent me some more pieces of his work to look at.

I am particularly fascinated by his works that look like water. Sometimes it is difficult to see that there really is a sidewalk line there! Here are some of my favorite pieces:

More of his great pieces can be seen here.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Cool Compositions

Over the years there have been some cool album covers. Here are just a few of my favorites:

The Moody Blues - A Question of Balance. I love how everything kind of morphs from one thing to another. The colors used are great too. I would like to get this album on vinyl just for the artwork! My whole family likes the Moody Blues anyway, so it may be good to listen to as well. I only know one song from it though. "Question."

Def Leppard - Retro Active. The first thing you see is probably not what you are really seeing. I think it is amazing how they made this cover look like a skull from a distance, but as you look closer, it is a woman sitting at a mirror, sitting with a bunch of fragrances. Her reflection in the mirror is not accurate either, but that is even more brilliant because it draws in the viewer and she looks angry. Wow! I admit I like some Def Leppard tunes, but I do not recognize a single song from this album. I still love the artwork though!

The last one, most recent, is Switchfoot - Oh Gravity! Lots of detail, limited color.

It really keeps the eye busy! Fun and quirky. The title is upside down, emphasizing "gravity" itself. I like that! I have heard clips from this album. I believe it would be a good one to add to my collection someday.

Friday, May 2, 2008

"Why are there vinyl records at Costco?"

…my dad asked me as my eye caught the latest Foo Fighters album in that format.

“Oh they are making a big comeback,” I replied.

I am not certain how big of a comeback, but it seems like they must be since I have seen them in several different stores now, both by new and older artists.

I remember back when they were phasing out the vinyl records to CD and I was almost done completing a massive collection of a particular band I liked (all on vinyl). My dad asked why would I keep buying the vinyl records when I can get them on CD?

“I like the sound better.”

“But the sound quality on a CD is so much better because they clean up all that noise,” he responded.

That is the problem. I like “all that noise.” The sound of a faint breath, the hint of a slight smile (oh you think you cannot hear that, but you can). I like my music best in its purest form.

Eventually, I had to give in to the change. Not only were my favorite artists disappearing from vinyl, but they were much more convenient on CD. They were more portable, less difficult to scratch (or warp in the sun - an unfortunate lesson I learned one day), and they had ability to repeat a song over and over without having to get up and move a needle.

I have since grown accustomed to the sound, and have diligently searched (and found!) for some old, rare favorites of my past in CD form. Which I still love listening to today.

I am happy about the comeback though. The first thing I thought when I saw the Foo Fighters on vinyl was “Oooh! I have never heard THEM on vinyl before!” …I did not end up buying it though. Perhaps I might later. It was the last one there, so I am sure it is gone by now. C'est la vie! Maybe some other time

Another album we saw there was Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon.” When my dad saw that, he wondered if his old vinyl copy was still in shape. Unfortunately, over the years, it has collected so much dust, that when I listened to it a few years ago, it sounded in pretty poor shape. He did not repurchase the album, but I think he liked the idea of having the option of being able to get it on vinyl again.


My bookshelf: Books I have read

To Kill a Mockingbird
The Catcher in the Rye
The Great Gatsby
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Animal Farm
Little Women
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Da Vinci Code
The Kite Runner
Eena the Return of a Queen
Sarah's Key
A Northern Light
Simple Abundance:  A Daybook of Comfort and Joy
Short Stories
The Help
Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return
Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
Book of a Thousand Days

Jackie's favorite books »

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