Friday, January 4, 2008

To Do:

I realized while I was listening to a youth speaker in church last week, that I sometimes set my goals too high. I can be too hard on myself at times. I am patient though... well sometimes. I hope that I am not hard on others. I try not to be. I have been told I am patient, but sometimes I think I am not. Others times I am sure that I am. So this year I will try to:

Set smaller goals. After listening to the youth's speech, I am sure I can do this, and accomplish more.

Not hate my sketches, doodles or writings just because they did not turn out as I expected. I actually do better work when I don't care how things turn out... or at least I think it is better....

Be more patient with others, because I believe that you can never really be patient enough. However I will not allow others to walk over me, which never has seemed to be much of a problem, since I will often say what is on my mind if I feel threatened. I do pick my battles.

To continue expanding my mind through literature and music, etc.

To be my own person, which I feel I do quite well at anyway.


My bookshelf: Books I have read

To Kill a Mockingbird
The Catcher in the Rye
The Great Gatsby
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Animal Farm
Little Women
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Da Vinci Code
The Kite Runner
Eena the Return of a Queen
Sarah's Key
A Northern Light
Simple Abundance:  A Daybook of Comfort and Joy
Short Stories
The Help
Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return
Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
Book of a Thousand Days

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